Comment on What game did you last finish? What did you think of it? ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

To be honest I don’t remember the last time I finished a game.

Not counting Rogue-lite games where you replay them over and over like Slay the Spire I think the most “recent” game that I’ve finished might be Mass Effect 3, which is from 2012…


Oh actually I did finish The Banner Saga 1 a few years ago. It’s pretty good except for being somewhat lacking in Quality of Life features. The main selling point are the art style and gameplay-story integration. The tactical combat gameplay is okay but very repetitive, although it got a lot better in BS2 (which I haven’t finished) with more varied mission objectives than just “kill every enemy” over and over again.


Skyrim and Xcom 2 are probably in my top 3 or at least top 5 most played games but I have never completed them.


The games I’ve replayed and finished the most times are Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect 1&2 (only completed ME3 2 times).

I’ve replayed DA:O more than 10 times and I would highly recommend it, although I would recommend getting mods and especially get the increased memory patch so it doesn’t crash as often.
