Comment on How do some fans of genres avoid becoming jaded with similar material? 1 year ago
I think I get what you’re saying. It’s hard to enjoy story beats when you’ve seen the tropes a million times already. When a plot-point is revealed, you typically know how it’ll play out, so you now have to watch it unfold. This seems to get worse over time, but there are gems that genuinely have held my interest and allowed me to be propelled by curiosity, rather than being pulled through a game by recycled narratives.
Having a teenager has given me a new perspective on these things, because they haven’t been desensitized to those commonly used elements just yet. I’d say to keep gaming and remember the special few that made you feel something or kept you guessing. Cheers
Life is strange What remains of Edith Finch Alan Wake 11 months ago
Yeah, you got what I was trying to ask about! Also interesting that you take the games angle, as they have a sort of extra “problem” imo apart from narrative trope stuff, which is related to the gameplay. Similar situation as with stories just with gameplay one may have experienced a million times already.
If the story’s compelling enough, it can help pull a game through, or vice versa, where the gameplay helps you gloss over an average story, but ideally they’re both doing enough that you have a great experience all around. Personally I’ve hit a snag with games lately where it’s the gameplay stuff more than the stories that haven’t been managing to keep my interest.