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<- View Parent ⁨10⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago
@Jens Ljungkvist :mastodon: It isn't necessary to consume it. If you only want to consume it, you can follow anything and everything from Mastodon, only with the limitations that Mastodon is incapable of showing certain elements:

If you want to see all this properly, you still only need one account on one instance of one project that supports all this. In fact, if you move from Mastodon to CalcKey entirely, that should cover almost everything, and you still only need exactly one login.

But I've seen people wish for "one account for everywhere in the Fediverse" so so many times over the last weeks and months, and I can't help but assume that they always want all capabilities of logged-in users on each instance of each project.
