Comment on OK Microsoft... trying to log into Teams while work lapop updates to Windows 11. No longer works in any iPhone browser, including Edge. The app will not authenticate my work login... ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Teams, when used within a single Org, works great. For 3rd party interaction, or working for multiple Orgs I would highly recommend almost any other product.

The intra-org integration with SharePoint and document management/data retention is very good.

But nonsense like what OP is experiencing is why even I, as the senior MS Support SysAdmin at my employer, refuse to use Microsoft Office products on my personal Android phone.

If they want/need me to do that, they can give me a dedicated phone just for that purpose. MS MAM is never touching my personal equipment in a million years.

OP is stuck between a rock and a crap place.
