Comment on Abortion Rights: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 1 year agoTry to use your brain like a grown person and not have strong opinions on things that you clearly know very little about. Anyone that knows what abortion really is, when and why it’s done doesn’t think it’s murder. You also completely ignore the life quality of the children that are forced to be born with physical and/or mental problems, parents that can’t afford to give them even the basics, the mental and physical strain that can kill both child and mother etc.
You are a deeply shitty and stupid person and you would do everyone a favor by learning even the basics of things you have opinions about, or shutting the hell up. 1 year ago
Have you seen a video of a late term abortion? They literally pull out arms and legs piece by piece. You can cope internally all you want but you are ending a human life when you abort a child. There isn’t something that magically makes them become human when the leave the womb.
This whole shpiel is completely detached from whether aborting a baby is murder or not. You are rambling while telling people to “learn the basics of things” despite you not really understanding them yourself. 1 year ago
Late term abortion is not a great argument. At some point it is too far along and then most would agree with your point. But to use that point to justify getting rid of all abortion, no matter how far along, is just a weak strawman argument. 1 year ago
At what point does it become a human? So would you be okay with banning abortion after the point where you consider it “life”? 1 year ago
Viability. If we can safely take care of it outside of the mother then we should do it. That’s bare minimum 20.5 weeks, but realistically probably 23 or 24 weeks. I would like to see discussions about that range from medical professionals and lawmakers in charge of the budget since that early can be very expensive. 1 year ago
When it’s born.