Comment on What is a worker's union? How does it internally work? How can a union make the affiliated company do stuff to benefit the union(why can"t a company just say: f*ck off to their demands)? ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

A workers union is an organization made up of workers who have decided to work together to try and force a company/employer to give in to the demands of the workers.

The reason why it works is that the union have several actions they can take if the demands are not met.

First of all, all union members pay a membership fee, most of that money goes into a fund to enable the workers to actually take the actions required.

So what actions can a union take against the employer?

  1. Striking, all workers down tools and stop working, this harms the employer as no money is being made from their workers, the buildings still costs money for upkeep and power, naturally an epmloyer wont pay their employees on strike, this is when the union themselves pay ther members from the fund set up.

  2. Lockout, a union can prevent other workers from entering a place of work when they are striking, this stops the employer from hiring strike breakers.

  3. Legal action can also be taken.
