Comment on How to deal with annoying co-worker ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Am actually super experienced in this. I’ve been the fart maker, I’ve been the manager, I’ve been the co-worker tolerating it. Here’s what you do.

Call a team meeting, preferably with HR discussing behavior similar to this, without pinpointing fart jokes but close enough that the message gets across. Maybe say there have been anonymous complaints. Definitely do if possible this will come in handy later.

With step one done, here’s how you deal. If at all possible, develop a bond with the guy, pretend to like the fart jokes. Maybe even make one or two yourself so he feels you’re in this together.

Then, when you tell him to stop, blame HR.

“Haha! Oh, how I love our fart jokes, but we should lay off of them before HR calls us in!”

“Can’t let you get fired over that, I need you here bud, not fired over a fart joke haha”

This typically has worked from what I’ve seen.

Except for that one time…
