yeah I think you're right, the div EVs are conversion kits from gas cars
the gas car kits are just standalone for gas, sounds basically like IKEA but for cars (assembling the parts yourself), I'm sure they're already approved:
EV Pickup out of her Tesla
from what I read, the diy conversion didn't sound too hard, it's just expensive for a lot of batteries. And you want to pick cars that are lighter which may reduce options. But I may have overlooked the difficulty involved.
car packs use the same cells
yeah I was thinking it's probably those 18650 cells, in teh OP story I was wondering if they would be able to use some other battery and just convert the power using some kind of electronic device (?) - sounds possible 2 years ago
Its a 2014 Ford... I don't think they had the DRM shit built in at the time to keep owners from fiddling with the car.
It would be generic batteries with generic charging circuits.
The issue probably is most garages don't have electricians who would be able to set it up for them. Real shame, considering its MUCH easier to get into EV modding like you said than gas engines, due to their simplicity. Its basically a RC car