Comment on Teach primary pupils real-world maths - Labour

<- View Parent ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

The issue is we only teach one method for approaching Maths so if you don't get it, tough.

In primary and secondary school I always struggled with Maths. During university I spent most of my energy reverse engineering the maths lessons so I could understand them.

Years later my sister was struggling with her Maths GCSE, I spent one evening explaining how I solve each type of problem. She went from a projected D to getting an A.

I was explaining this to an ex maths teacher who started asking how I approached things. Apparently I used the Indian method for one type of problem, the asian for anouther, etc..

The idea a student was struggling with one way of solving the problem and teaching them alternative methods never occurred because it was "outside the curriculum".

These days I quite like Maths puzzles.
