Comment on How should rich people be taxed? Are there any other considerations to be made? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

one could "tax" them by stopping doing business with them if they bother a person so much, in a free market

one could persuade them to be charitable with the excess profits they have voluntarily

one could pray for God to provide for those who are poorer, and to turn the rich peoples' hearts towards helping those in need

one could work to create a culture the encourages these kinds of values

I'm curious if society was able to achieve getting rid of "absolute poverty" up to some kind of decent "living" or "family" wage, would some socialists care about certain rich people having that much more than them?

So I think perhaps these are two different issues. The problem is a creep of a sense of absolute poverty today, or "absolute" relative to certain societies.
