Comment on Why cant the Middle East just chill out? ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Bomb the entire region with pork rinds and aerosolized pig fat (offensive to both warring religions there, right?) for 6 months, and give everyone there a solid deadline to pack one small bag per adult on free one-way flights, daily, to a new ‘homeland’. Canada can bequeath a region of northern Alberta-Sask-Nunavut for Jewish citizens, and… I dunno, Argentina does the same for Palestinians. Evacuees are issued special passports granting citizenship to their respective new ‘homelands’. The donor nations are given a one-time and new ‘homeland’ nations are each granted a one-time $1 trillion grant to set up the new arrangements.

Oh, and finally. Death penalty for any evacuee and their descendants for 7 generations who even attempt to enter the ‘other’ homeland. And after that 6-month nonlethal bacon-bombing campaign, drop something over the entire ‘holy land’ to ensure it’s uninhabitable for the next 10,000 years. No one can claim they weren’t given a chance to leave by that point…

Time to take away not just the toys, but the whole damn playground.
