Comment on Is Rift Hunting actually a good way to make gold? ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Your analysis stops before you consider how one might actually make money from rifts, specifically by using the essence you loot to make motivations and selling said motivations on the market. Just poking at it casually yielded ~160 gold from motivation sales for me recently, some of which was of course eaten by the other materials needed for motivations. It’s worth noting that besides activities mandated by the story, I used zero motivations myself - there are plenty of people tagged up and doing them, and you want t1 and t2 rifts for this purpose more than t3 anyway. I wasn’t very seriously trying to make gold with this, just running around with friends who wanted to do rifts for their own reasons or collecting xp to fill in mastery tracks.

Deciding whether this is a good way to make gold relative to other options would require significant work, but that’s where you want to go if you want an answer.
