No it doesn’t, physical and digital releases are almost always separate dates, often the digital release being much earlier than DVD/Bluray
Comment on "Mickey 17" releases digitally on March 25 — only 18 days after its theatrical debut 2 days agoDigitally also means Blu-ray. I’ve got my own theatre at home. And the picture and sound quality is much better too. 2 days ago 2 days ago
🏴☠️ 2 days ago
I don’t pirate them in the way you think I do. I buy blu-rays and rip them for convenient digital access. I don’t share the files with others. I disagree with piracy in general. Piracy and streaming services are the reason why movies suck these days. 2 days ago
I hope I don’t sound rude, but you are incorrect. Piracy is not the reason streaming and movies suck. In fact, low cost streaming resulted in a decrease in piracy.
Piracy increases when access to media is severely and unjustly restricted. Piracy is a form of protest. 2 days ago
You’re wrong. If the best way for studios to make money is streaming, then restricing access to the corresponding streaming service is their best way to make money. And they will do it.
Pirates might believe they protest against this practice. But actually, they just fuel this system even further by not voting with their money for alternatives. And there ARE alternatives: buy blurays, go to theatres, buy merch. Pirates will soon realize that these alternatives will also disappear. ‘Protesting’ with pirating is not going to help that.