Comment on Musk shares post that Hitler didn’t kill millions, public workers did. Union rages 1 day agoYou’re most likely not European.
The fact you don’t put Anita and Elon in the same bag, US grifters, tells me all I need to know. Anita is a blundering idiot that grifted a bunch of parasites into a market that should have never existed. Instead of using Alanah Pearce (Lawd has she been harassed) Lucy James and the like, that actually work in the field and know the ACTUAL problems rather than creating rage bate to cash in on victim points. She and the much maligned sweet baby were consulting on games that were subcontracting slavelike labour in Indonesia and other SE Asian countries during their consulting. Most of the victims at those places were women. Grifters gonna grift! Sarkeesian and her ilk have done nothing for the feminist movement (which I’m a part of), worse, they set us back decades. She left all blue collar women on whom the lion’s share of injustice falls upon, behind. She could have addressed the preponderance of women in QA and community management and how that disproportionately makes them more likely to be laid off. How also in gaming, they make less for the same work. How career progress is usually limited by patriarchal hierarchical organisations in AAA studios. Fuck that noise, feminism is bitching about a bald dude killing some nuns in spandex in a videogame. She ignored the real issues because those were very likely to avoid her getting hired to consult on games as the C types don’t really like left wing talking points flying around the office. Fucking bougie causes. 1 day ago
jesus fucking CHRIST you have some baggage here, huh?
putting anita and elon into the same category is literally one of the most delusional takes i have ever heard. you do realize that one of those people is one of the wealthiest living people in the world, a nazi, who bought a social media platform because he was so desperate for approval he decided to buy it…
and you’re comparing that to some fucking totally random popular feminist who made literally a baby’s first feminist analysis video series???
anita wasn’t trying to solve every feminist issue in the world, you realize? she wanted to make the videos she wanted to make.
anita’s videos didn’t bully or harass anyone, they didn’t go on and on about how men demand respect because of their genitals, they didn’t personally target anyone. they did a very introductory analysis into feminist theory for media criticism.
thunderf00t’s average video is significantly worse than the worst thing anita ever did.
also, why the fuck would i lie about being from europe… you’re just wrong and you want to jump to conclusions… 1 day ago
You lost me at:
The field of feminism, particularly in video games, is wide and old. Start with Nina Huntemann.
Grifters gonna grift and cash in on other’s work and victim points.
Also, when the average US american tells you they’re italian or Irish c’ause peepaw was Italian/Irish I’m skeptical. Also your post history is full of americanisms.
Go read some research and then come back to lecture me about feminism. 1 day ago
yeah fuck off, i am not lowering myself to debate feminism with anyone who is a selr-confessed fan of the author of the feminism vs facts video series… get a fucking grip on reality. 1 day ago