Comment on What's wrong with a technocracy? 1 day ago
It may be described as that on paper, but in our reality what it seems to translate into is the tech CEOs making policy decisions, and all those that have actually been proposed are just regulation cuts that benefit their particularly company or industry and actively harm everyone else. So, yeah, thats bad. 1 day ago
Yeah, I agree that’s an issue. In a way, Americans are experiencing that live, today.
What about a variant of technocracy that accounts for conflicts of interest? 1 day ago
I dont believe in hierarchy, so you lose me there. Decentralized government with a centralized education system is probably a good combination abstractly speaking. 1 day ago
Valid. Why do you think education should be the exception to decentralization? 1 day ago
We’ve seen decentralized education and it tends to have problems with resourcing and economies of scale, and content policies get easily hijacked by loud people with personal vendettas.