Comment on dear republicans, what's the point of alienating every single ally of the US? 3 days agoNah. I get it, but no.
We have people here who can do this work
This is the one thing you keep missing. We don’t have people here who can do the work. Straight up. All the big players send their engineers to learn from TSMC for a reason. Of all the labor, of all the capital, these people are the exceptions to every rule.
Capitalists went to extreme lengths to win the nuclear arms race. They will go to the same lengths to keep winning the digital arms race too. These engineers will never be billionaires in their brains alone - because you’re right, they do not own the capital - but they do have a significantly higher value than any other laborers in the eyes of capitalists and therefore will never be deported to a rival. 3 days ago
So to clarify, you do not believe US engineers could ever do this? Why do you believe this is a skillset that only exists in Taiwan? 3 days ago
For the same reason the world believes it - because its true. They are the cutting edge. Other engineers can take over in the same way that other scientists could have taken over the Apollo program. It’s possible, but it takes time, money, effort, and luck, and in the meantime the other nation(s) will land on the moon first.
All of the other companies are actively trying to beat TSMC and losing. Computer chips are the rocket engines of the digital age. 3 days ago
You’re dodging the question. Why do you believe they’re beating us?
I personally believe it’s due to lack of public investment in education and technology. But the fact that you keep coming back to eugenics-themed arguments is concerning. So again, why do you think it is they’re beating us? 3 days ago
Eugenics themed? Lmfao what?
I’m not saying they’re naturally smarter than other people lol. It has nothing to do with genetics. The answer to “why are they winning the race” isn’t simple, and the answer to “how can the US surpass them” could fill a novel and still not provide a clear answer. They’re beating everyone, not just America, and a lot of it comes down to chance and circumstance. 3 days ago
And you are correct, but why do you assume there’s any eugenics-themed arguments above? There is nothing of the sort. Everything the other poster says is completely compatible with Taiwan investing in education and technology that the US failed to do.