playing devils advocate here, obviously we all know Trump is a brain dead retarded monkey throwing shit all over the place
It’s very easy to call Trump that, I could go up there and call Trump a delusional retard who is betraying all his allies and making a mockery out of the west, America is a shithole full of retards, etcetc wave the white flag just like you did with the taliban and fuck off already etcetc
But for a pro, you have to be able to handle these diplomatic situations to the point where the things go in your favour even if you’re clearly dealing with an irrational nutter 3 days ago
The article is barely more that a tweet it’s so short. Gross that they say ‘falls short of saying he will apologize’ for what exactly? For wasting time to meet with tRump? Ick.
Also, tRump md crew aren’t worried about Russia because they are in bed with Russia, nothing to do with the ocean