Comment on [deleted] 3 days agoThese are the people who then say that if you gain weight it is because you are lazy or weak willed.
Whether someone perceives it as hard to lose or not gain weight doesn’t really factor into it, does it? For adults the ultimate decision to eat more than one needs lies with exactly one person.
Really it is 99% hormones and only 1% strength of character.
I’m not sure I understand correctly, are you suggesting that obesity epidemics have some kind of shared underlying physiological reason? 3 days ago
there’s no obesity epidemic. it’s all eugenics to the core 3 days ago
I’m almost afraid to ask, but what do you mean by that? 3 days ago
that it’s an artificially engineered “crisis” by the medical industrial complex to justify modern day discrimination and refuse to provide healthcare to fat people, Black people, etc
podcast episode on this 3 days ago
Thanks! I’m slightly confused by the sources linked in the podcast description though. While it’s pretty US-centric they universally seem to confirm that yes, obesity rates are rising and that yes, medical consensus is that obesity is a bad thing. Does the podcast then come to some kind of different conclusion?
I don’t have a hard time believing that American companies are profiteering off of sick people, but I feel like there might be some accidental shuffling of cause and effect here. You can fleece and discriminate against a fat person, but in order for that to happen you first need a fat person, don’t you?