Comment on Let's discuss: Pokémon 4 days ago
Lol, I’m actually playing through Violet right now. I don’t even know why, since I finished Scarlet a few weeks ago and they’re basically the same. I think I just like Miraidon more than Koraidon.
But man, I started playing the series when it first came out. I think Red was my first, but I’ve had long periods (like almost a decade) in which I never even bothered, then eventually came back to it and finished what I missed. It’s a series I just kind of bounce between.
Honestly, getting back into it after a long break last year with Shield surprised me. I get why some people don’t like it, but I really had fun with that game.
As for similar games, Cassette Beasts nearly ruined the entire series for me. Such a great game that did so much right and so very little (if anything) wrong (in my opinion, at least). Art, music, creature designs, battle system, and especially writing. All fantastic.
I’m eager to try out Beastie Ball when I get a chance as well. Looks fun. 4 days ago
I played the Beastieball demo, and it is a ton of fun. The combat is tactical volleyball, and is pretty satisfying to play.