Comment on You'll need a RTX 2060 Super at minimum for Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater 4 weeks ago
2 opponents have acquisition, one looks like they’re firing, there’s a third ready for a snap shot, and they all have AKs.
Player is… reloading a handgun.
I know it’s a video game, but my suspension of disbelief has limits. This isn’t sci-fi; there are no magic shields or SuperArmor; so player only survives if
- the opponents have Storm Trooper levels of aim capability
- Player is wearing level… hell, I don’t even know what body armor is effective against 7.62x39 at - what - no more than 7 meters here. And it’s going to hurt like hell in any case
- the opponents are all out of ammo
I mean, utter, blinding incompetence aside, player 1 is dead. Even with a massive plot shield, it would be hard to swallow.
Maybe they stole some armor cloth from the John Wick universe; that stuff is sci-fi level good.