Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 1 week ago
Blue ticks and group chats.
Cos they never made it away from the pre-installed apps.
Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 1 week ago
Blue ticks and group chats.
Cos they never made it away from the pre-installed apps. 1 week ago
The Blue/Green tick thing has winded down in my own personal sphere. My wife’s family has a group chat where I was the only android user and would get dunked on when I replied. I just asked to be removed so they wouldn’t have to deal with SMS/MMS bullshit. Now that RCS is on everything it doesn’t matter. Ive been trying to get them to use Signal for the last few years but no one wants another app that isn’t their default messaging app.
On the second part, yeah thats true. If Apple does anything right it’s making “things work” for the average user, and I am sure we all know what the average user can do now. Any concerns I bring up with iOS is met with “but you work in IT and understand that stuff” which is hard to argue with when people just want something to work without troubleshooting and exploring options.