No problem with a community promoting Breitbart, FoxNews etc ?
Theses sites are respecting the rules ? There is no bigotry, lgbtphobia, etc in them ?
Ok good to know.
Comment on It seems some higher level moderation of communities may be required 2 weeks ago
Hello all, I have been reviewing this post and will first mention the facts I can confirm about said post:
I cannot see when it was reported, but I suspect it was reported sometime over the weekend and Ella removed it once it was discovered. This is someone who is a common poster in that community and has had no other posts or comments removed here or anywhere else otherwise.
From my perspective, otherwise we don’t see a ton of reports from anything in that community. I do wish the post was removed sooner, as this definitely is something we do not tolerate on Ideally a mod for the community would have seen it and hopefully removed without a report, but they may have missed it or not had a chance to check things. Again, I can’t see when something was reported to know if it was hanging out there for awhile.
Now looking currently, I don’t see any other posts (at least on the first couple pages) in that community which look to be problematic. I understand the disgust behind this post but we aren’t going to remove a community based on one post (that is removed) from a user in another instance. If there are other posts in this community I’m not seeing that are Nazi promoting/sympathizing, violent, or otherwise harmful we NEED to have them reported to take action.
As has been mentioned in another comment, if you don’t like the content from the community than you can and should block it from your own view. If the content is in any way harmful or illegal, please report and we will remove it and ban users if necessary. Looking forward to any additional thoughts/comments, thanks!
No problem with a community promoting Breitbart, FoxNews etc ?
Theses sites are respecting the rules ? There is no bigotry, lgbtphobia, etc in them ?
Ok good to know.
See another reply above from @beneeney , now that all of us admins have had a chance to discuss this completely we have made a decision on what actions to take. Thanks!
Thanks too, 1 week ago
From my perspective, the people who are participating in this community aren’t even members, but they are by their nature putting an undue moderation load onto the instance. If they absolutely want to have their own echo chamber, then they can create it on their home instance instead of taking advantage of the looser rules here.
Again, from my perspective, even if they aren’t technically violating any rules now, it’s just a matter of time before they start to push the boundaries. I expect this will happen sooner if a large number of users block the community, thus drastically reducing the number of people who are likely to report malicious activity who are also reading the content.
I would rather have them take their content back to,,, or than continue to have it hosted here.