Comment on Report: Trump’s suspension of USAID has already caused loss of 35,000 jobs in Jordan 3 weeks ago
Those 35,000 people out of work are Jordan’s problem and Jordan can help them, not America. Eliminate all American spending in foreign countries on all people who are not American citizens holding American passports. Permanent residents do not qualify. 3 weeks ago
I’m not an American but the Marshall plan post WW2 is probably the most successful diplomatic and foreign investment program in history. It cemented us allies and deptors for decades. I doubt this 35000 jobs lost in Jordan will have the effect of 35000 American jobs being created nor do I think it will directly improve the lives of any Americans. I also think this makes room for other foreign interests to be established in Jordan, some of which may be geopolitical adversaries to the US such as China.
Personally I think this is a good thing because fuck the usa I’m still mad that they couped my countries (Australia) elected leader. But I am sympathetic to the hardships sure to arise because of this in Jordan.