Comment on Theory on Transgender Origins Circulating 2 years ago
I watched anime when I was 8 to 12 and it did nothing to me. Those were a little different 20 years ago.
I think its more likely something in the food supply but kids are on iPads to much. . 2 years ago
I was thinking that something with the apps themselves might be powering this. We used to put a VHS or DVD into a machine that would play it and we spent so much more time interacting with others in reality.
That isn't happening as much. Some people may be living entirely in their screens and their sense of reality is completely distorted. We didn't really have that. 2 years ago
True, although kids did watch TV a lot. TV trays got pulled out and kids ate in front of it and lived in front if it. Maybe those are the bad millinials. 2 years ago
Yes, I had a TV tray, lol.
But it didn't get constant use.
It was a ninja turtles one.
More of a weekend thing.
But I also played sports at every recess, ever, and was forced to go outside on the weekends all day long 2 years ago
I grew up around forest so was always in "the woods". My kids won't have that experience unfortunately.