The optics are just the medium through which the qubits are entangled, the interesting part isn’t the lasers but the interaction between physically-separated qubits.
You could theoretically accomplish the same thing by physically bonking the qubits together so that they interact via nuclear forces instead of the electromagnetic field, like they did with entire molecules at Durham University a few weeks back:…/ar-AA1xfHI9
It is teleportation, but the thing being teleported is information about a quantum state.
The particles that carry this information are in a quantum superposition, like Shrodinger’s Cat. Because of quantum physics, the information they carry doesn’t exist until you open the box and measure it. 4 weeks ago
The optics are just the medium through which the qubits are entangled, the interesting part isn’t the lasers but the interaction between physically-separated qubits.
You could theoretically accomplish the same thing by physically bonking the qubits together so that they interact via nuclear forces instead of the electromagnetic field, like they did with entire molecules at Durham University a few weeks back:…/ar-AA1xfHI9 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
It is teleportation, but the thing being teleported is information about a quantum state.
The particles that carry this information are in a quantum superposition, like Shrodinger’s Cat. Because of quantum physics, the information they carry doesn’t exist until you open the box and measure it. 4 weeks ago