Comment on Deepfake videos are getting shockingly good | TechCrunch 5 weeks ago
This is scary indeed. We may someday soon need something like an active tattoo on our face, or clothing, with a pattern that changes each second based on a private/public key pair, so videos can;t be easily faked of our own likeness with a valid visual signature.
That could actually work – a QR code that updates at regular intervals, encoding an ever-changing signature. It could be validated to certify the video of a person was genuine.
Of course that would also mean any authenticated video can never be truly anonymous :( 5 weeks ago
With modern face recognition, having your face in a video already deanonymizes you so there is no further deanonymization caused by authenticating your video cryptographically.
If you want anonymity then don’t include your face (or signature) in the video.
If you want attestation that a video is real and not generated then anyone who witnessed the scene depicted can sign the video to attest to it. Then we would need a web of trust to determine whose signatures are trustworthy. 5 weeks ago
Duh, good point :)
Web of trust – it’s always been so hard to make easy enough to use for the non-technical public, sadly… but yeah that might be the only/best way to really give attestation.