Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 4 weeks agoAnarchist response would be “people who want functioning sewers, which should be everybody.”
Yeah it’s a dirty job. So is wiping your ass. Does someone need to threaten you to wipe your ass? Take a shower? When your toilet breaks at home do you shrug and just shit on the bathroom floor?
No, you fix the toilet. Same with the sewers. 4 weeks ago
Ok and who does that end up being? 4 weeks ago
Whoever steps up first. For a sewer, probably several people. What’s your point? 4 weeks ago
Most aren’t capable ir willing to do this work without substantial compensation above and beyond what most jobs provide. 4 weeks ago
I think you may underestimate the impact of sewage backing up into your home :D
You are right though. Tragedy of the commons is a catch22. When everything is everyone’s problem, nothing is anyone’s problem. This occurs in EVERY political system though, and they still function. 4 weeks ago
honestly people like to talk about about moneyless societies but I’d imagine it would still be around for a while. I imagine a system where people chip into a fund to provide a bounty of sorts for jobs that require extreme skill or a strong stomach. 4 weeks ago
Given that an anarchist society wouldn’t have capitalists, I Imagine that wages, if they still existed, would be substantially different than they are today.
I would think the desire for flush toilets would be enough, but if you think people need extrinsic motivation there is room for that.