Comment on Anon watches Puss in Boots 4 weeks agoImagination and creative writing unlocks many more possibilities than can be performed on a stage for a camera.
And the best part is: it’s clean and consequence free! 4 weeks ago
** Consequence warranty does not include self-reflection during moment of clarity. 4 weeks ago
Which is always good to practice. Exotic and potentially risky situations can be simulated in low-stakes fantasy environments.
It’s just words.
It builds linguistic, communicative, empathetic, and physical reasoning skills. It provides an arena to challenge and develop ideas and scenaria. It gets people talking and communicating about how they like to play before committing to make themselves more fully vulnerable.
It’s just words.
If we don’t get them talking to each other, they’ll start acting before knowing how to communicate. If they don’t have a safe way to talk with peers, they will be talking to the ai instead. Guess what the ai trained on.
It’s just words, so why don’t we start there?
We’ve gotta get people talking. 4 weeks ago
Listen. There’s some things where I can explain it, if someone walked in - but I’d rather move to Tibet. 4 weeks ago
I’m listening.
Like what? I’m not sure I follow.