You subscribe for 4chan content you’ll get 4chan content, what did you expect lol
Comment on Anon is going to get a call from HR 5 days agoThis makes me questioning subbing nere 5 days ago 5 days ago
Lol true, just trying new popular coms 4 days ago
You’re definitely not supposed to be looking at what anon is doing and finding it good or interesting. This is more like a zoo where the exhibit is the strange, chaotic and sometimes racist creature that is Anon.
Personally I read them mostly for the humor, and mostly for the exhibition of the strange world view that Anon sometimes have. It’s interesting (concerning?) to be reminded that people like Anon exist out there. 5 days ago
There are some fun greentexts (real and faked) but yeah they can sometimes be loaded with dog whistles and other nastiness. 5 days ago
Are most users here just for the laughs? I know redditors were anti- 4chan users typically 4 days ago
I view 4channers, sovcits, and flat earthers all in the same light. 5 days ago
I used to post on 4chan and greentexts are kind of nostalgic to me. Some relevant context here is that the site becoming dominated by cultish far right politics was something that progressed over time, and there are probably a lot of people with an interest in imageboard culture who do not especially identify with the people currently posting on /pol/, for whatever that’s worth; those guys overrunning the site was a big factor in quitting for me. 5 days ago
What part of imageboard culture did you enjoy and in what ways to you find it different than forums like lemmy or reddit? 4 days ago
Yeah, most people are here to laugh, not to buy into Anon’s nonsense. It’s explained in the sidebar because sometimes people check out the community and get the wrong idea.