Comment on As I say not as I do ⁨2⁩ ⁨years⁩ ago

Its a very good point ! He has admitted this himself though in a recent interview (from a month ago).

If I understood him correctly, he said that over the past year or so, his house was completely remodeled, while he was in hospital for the opioid treatment, after his wife nearly died of cancer....

I remember that no one was sure if he was even alive or not a vegetable.... people accused his daughter of faking he was alive when she posted a short video of him in his garden.

And the first videos of the poor guy after he came back, he looked like Biden... struggling to stay awake and barely having the strength to sit.

Given all that.... I cut him a little slack. All his interviews from 2019 and earlier, his room was pretty decent, with a lot of nice artworks.
