Comment on As a skateboarder my self I can tell you, no biological woman can possibly compete with a biological man.

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

edit: and we don’t see the same amount of female programmers either.

The volume of men coders is huge. And indeed the best and most legendary programmers are often males. I think part of this is men are just more interested for what ever reason. However; I do come across extremely good female programmers. Some of the best programming books are written by females. They do very good at stuff like proofs and fundamental concepts. In large software projects a big problem is just keeping the team together and workings smoothly. Women are not as territorial or as confrontational so can sometimes really help out keeping work going.

I often have problems just agreeing with other developers. Some people are very strict on syntax, line length, and others are more focused on getting things done timely and in a fun way. So head buts occur and it just slows everything down.
