Comment on Best version of Pandemic boardgame on Android? 2 months ago
I have plague inc by ndemic, but it’s not the board game version
Comment on Best version of Pandemic boardgame on Android? 2 months ago
I have plague inc by ndemic, but it’s not the board game version 2 months ago
Plague Inc. comes in at the top of a search in the Play Store for “pandemic” but I understand that it’s kind of a reverse concept of the Pandemic boardgame: You try to wipe out those pesky humans by developing an incurable virus.
I might be inclined to give it a try if I can’t find a decent implementation of Pandemic. 2 months ago
There is a mode for Plague Inc where the tables are turned and you try to stop a pandemic, last I played! 2 months ago
there are different scenarios you can purchase like zombies, vampires or even planet of the apes 2 months ago
I remember playing “Pandemic” as a flash game (or similar) many years ago. Plague Inc seemed to basically be the same game, and I think Pandemic the board game is completely unrelated. Not very helpful for your actual question, but I think it explains the search results.