Comment on Do you wish that you could recycle games? ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

Do you wish that you could recycle games?

No. The system is flawed, of course, but in the end game sells -> publishers see the genre/idea sells -> they are going to fund creating another one like that -> creators with ideas earn money
How strong we feel that publishers leech off creators is a valid point. But in the end that’s how it works right now

Maybe, if publishers and creators were getting some petty tax from each swap, that would enable recycling without killing the positive feedback for a good game. Or open another can of worms. Think what practices would result in more gains with such system in place. I’m afraid it might be churning out low value, highly hyped, hastily created games with paid reviews
Or maybe it’s a good business idea and it will revolutionize industry once someone puts up such a service

But, I think, implemented by the current big ones it would end up badly. It’s a flip of the whole business plan and they would cling to old ideas

Additionally, this idea would probably in practice look more like streaming does. A subscription to access with some “coins” for swapping. And we already see that streaming has negative effects on accessibility to older, niche movies and series

you know you’ve wasted however much money

I know that what I’m going to write doesn’t work for fighting games. But for the rest of them, wait until they are priced what you are comfortable spending based on howlongtobeat. Last night I binged on Citizen Sleeper that is on sale rn. 6hrs of good story for price of 1-2 beers. I usually don’t get back to games I’ve finished, so probably won’t be playing it ever again. But I still feel it was money well spent. And if it wasn’t that great, this price is not the amount I’d regret spending on a meh game
