Comment on Can I pay someone to add a specific feature to an open source app? 1 month ago
Yeah but you’re gonna need a lot more than $20.
Developers usually make $50-300/hour. Some features require 8-2000 hours to develop.
So do the math and offer a realistic bounty to pay the dev for their time, and they’ll probably do it. 1 month ago
That seems like an overestimate even for US. More importantly, I don’t think most open source developers earn this much money (otherwise they wouldn’t ask for tiny donations), and hence it’s not the relevant figure. If I’m wrong about this, please do tell me - I very much would like to know if the hours I occasionally spend on open-source contributions can instead earn me hundreds of dollars. ;) 1 month ago
You’re not wrong, I don’t know why people are downvoting you.
Somehow they believe the wages paid in the US is normalized everywhere else.
Some senior developers in the EU for example make a salary of ~60k euro. Which roughly translate to 30 hourly.
Not to mention third world country where all these Corporations outsource their work 1 month ago
Apply for a grant. That’s how you make money on open source contributions 1 month ago
Application writing is a completely different skill than application writing. 1 month ago
Some jobs require you to be good at more than one thing