Comment on Rishi Sunak considers banning cigarettes for next generation 1 year ago
Because prohibition has been such a great success for other drugs.
The New Zealand law is ridiculous and not something we should be emulating. Smoking is already steadily declining in the UK, we should be sticking with the current approach with the view that smoking can die a natural death. 1 year ago
This is why, as an adult vaper, I get slightly fed up of all the anti-vape news stories. Obviously I am heavily against kids using them, and I also think the disposable ones are environmentally unfriendly to say the least.
But they're a major asset in getting people off the cigs as well and it would be good to remember that once in a while. It's cheaper. It's healthier - a low bar but you can tell the difference in days after switching.
To my mind you can't have it both ways. It's no coincidence that smoking rates have fallen further at the same time that vape shops have popped up everywhere like a rash - they were falling anyway but it's sped things up a lot. (Incidentally my guess is it's not high street vape shops selling to kids but the same garages, newsagents etc that would have sold them fags in the past but that's just anecdotal evidence and conjecture).
I don't agree with bans. I also don't think putting little pictures of tumours on a fag packet ever stopped me lighting up once. What I do like it's seeing politicians finally mentioning 'oh yeah, by the way, smoking isn't very good for you either' after all this moral panic about vaping
(I am ranting a bit because I'm slightly drunk but I have been thinking this a lot this week) 1 year ago
Indeed. Let’s not forget that, back in the day, they’re the ones that sold “loosies” to school kids.