actually, i think you’re wrong about the ultra-rich being “essentially normal people”.
by all evidence they seem to have developed a serious mental disorder, a kind of trained sociopathy.
I’ve never seen it put in such clear nonchalant terms as in this interview .
give it a watch, it’s extremely interesting and really puts into perspective how…just utterly inhuman the minds of the ultra-rich really are… 1 month ago
Oh I’m not saying they’re like, a different species of human or anything. This is just what being rich does to people. It’s like you said, they never experience that period where they have to settle for less. They always get more, and so they always want more. It’s the way their brains have been trained to expect rewards. Someone like me, who is happy using older stuff and waiting for the prices to come down, has been trained to live this way. Someone like them, who always wants the best and most expensive, was also trained to live that way. They become hungry ghosts because of their lifestyles. 1 month ago
Then we agree. It just sounded like you somehow attributed more inherent evilness to them than everyone else. 1 month ago
We are products of our material conditions, yeah, there’s no inherent evilness - it’s a learned behavior.