Comment on Regarding my new rules, how should i approach this, just ban what the rolling class dems as hate symbols, looking for feedback

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Anti "Semetic" is another weaponised words by Jews to prevent goyim and whites standing up for their own

and Calling out

It gives them a free pass to do anything and get away with it


Refusal to hold everyone to the EXACT SAME STANDARD is why multi racialism never 'works' and it IS a WEAPON against US by Jews

How many times do we have to see BLACKS MURDERING WHITES

TIme to go our OUR OWN, in our OWN NATIONS, in our own SEPARATE PLACES



Either you and others support the ablity to talk about

Or you allow the hate, exclusion, demonisation and demoralisation of Whites + Goyim in their own homeland while Jews, Kikes, Corporations and Central banking cartel push 170 NATIONS all together into a single WORLD GOVERNMENT BY 2030

by supporting censorship , silence , demoting, firing , belilting those who are being replaced in their own homelands
