Comment on Great Replacement Mapped 2 years ago
so I saw someone trying to spin this or misinterpret it but I kind of liked it
they were arguing the "Great Replacement Theory" refers to illegal immigrants coming in who want less (freedom or money). Replacing citizens who want a better country. This was being said by a nonwhite person though of course.
But I thought this was an interesting take on looking at "Great Replacement" 2 years ago
Right, you know, it is a lot like what Stefan Molyneux would say back when he was more Libertarian and he was explaining the Libertarian opposition to illegal immigration.
Basically, the principles of the original America will be totally lost through demographic change. 2 years ago
What was the original principles of AMERICA
Government controls tax cattle
its "LEGAL" for "government" to take money from the tax cattle
its "LEGAL" to pass "LAWS" to remove "FREEDOMS"
Its "LEGAL" to cover up history, corruption, science and White Greatest on the Earth Realm
Democracy is part of the problem , as is Neo Conservatism , Neo Liberalism, Neo Equality, Statism 2 years ago
Stefan Molyneux is {{{ PART CHOOSEN PARASITE }}}