Comment on We need all right wingers pushing in one direction at the moment to send dems into the history books, all low energy bitching about racial issues is not helpful at this point in time. ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Here is the post with sentences and the ENTER BUTTON


Fuck BLM and any cuck (TRAITOR) that supports them

or the illegal immigration

of the worlds problematic peoples into civilized western culture,


I say we kick out the illegals, work on what we have.

Move forward in a positive law abiding "right wing" manner,

I am sticking to my principles on this one, FUCK YOU , If you disagree with me

I didn’t get kicked off of multiple platforms so i could cuck on my beliefs ( fyi tmi moment),

Most White Bitches I’ve met are down right fucking annoying cum sluts, that's why i only bang the hottest chicks regardless of race (Justifying race traitor behavior)

idgaf anymore about most shit, I am online for one reason, to red pill, Help restore America to "law and order" ways,

Socially condition this new dumb fuck world to be, right wing nationalist populist.

Anybody who challenges me, I will debate and utterly butt fuck them, with logic and no fucks given, get on my level bitches,

Its go time and I'm tired of being nice,

I created FreeForum for a reason and i created Free Forum Extreme for a reason.

I want to thank MOB for hosting me here and I want to thank all of you beautiful mother fuckers for putting up with me and sticking by me, now with out further ado……


I'm ready to red pill across multiple alt tech platforms.

My will shall not be broken and idgaf anymore.

I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Big dick mode has been activated !!


