Comment on The "Millie Bobby Brown is homophobic" meme is absurd, but that doesn’t mean it’s harmless [2018] ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I was walking down a main street last night. On my walk I passed a man and woman holding hands - both wearing dresses. I passed the 'Pole Dancing Academy.' Not a school or studio mind you, it was an academy.

I capped off my night time jaunt at a Catholic Church.... Right across from a planned parenthood clinic. Granted they don't perform abortions on site but they do plenty of other damage.

The culture is trash.

The article is stupid.

We have gone from appreciating the beauty of the human form to 'Becky's got a phat ass.' Pigs rutting in dirt have more dignity.

I blame the fact that the planned parenthood clinic is open across from a Catholic Church on the Catholic Church. I've never been to that one but they seem pretty lefty. Though they have one overworked priest.

Lord have mercy on our souls.
